Soil Regeneration & Permaculture Techniques

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Soil Regeneration

For ages agriculture has been based on a mono-cropping idea where one specific crop is planted for miles and miles. Then that crop is harvested, soil tilled, new harvest planted and the process begins again. 

New studies about the soil microbiome reveal that mono-cropping was not the way to go. Each time a crop is harvested and the soil tilled, etc. the microbial elements are disturbed, mycelium connections are broken, and the overall soil fertility is damaged and depleted.  Over the last ten years, mono-cropping and traditional factory farming has wasted away over 70% of our earths top soil.

Our only hope for our future generation is to implement soil regeneration methods around the world to boost our global soil levels back to an all time high. This is one of our biggest goals in our soil regeneration project here on Kaua’i; to create replicable designs and infrastructure that can be implemented worldwide.


Taking care of our soil stems from using permacultural methods of agriculture instead of the ever damaging mono-cropping. With our Community Kuleana Program, we believe in the power of organic farming to get the most nutrients and antioxidants from each piece of food we grow; respecting the soils microbial elements, out of respect of our own microbiome and gut health.  Our food is grown with love and Aloha. 

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